WordPress Search and Replace

Certainly! Performing a search and replace in WordPress can be necessary for various reasons, such as updating URLs after migrating a site, changing the site's branding, or correcting typos and outdated information. Here's a detailed description of how to carry out a search and replace in WordPress:

Methods for Performing Search and Replace in WordPress

  1. Using a Plugin

  2. Using phpMyAdmin

  3. Using WP-CLI

1. Using a Plugin

One of the easiest and safest methods to perform a search and replace in WordPress is by using a plugin. Here are some popular plugins for this purpose:

  • Better Search Replace

  • Velvet Blues Update URLs

  • Search & Replace

Using Better Search Replace Plugin

  1. Install and Activate the Plugin

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard.

  • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.

  • Search for "Better Search Replace."

  • Install and activate the plugin.

  1. Perform the Search and Replace

  • Go to Tools > Better Search Replace.

  • In the "Search for" field, enter the string you want to search for.

  • In the "Replace with" field, enter the string you want to replace it with.

  • Select the tables where you want to perform the search and replace. If you’re unsure, you can select all tables.

  • Optionally, you can check "Run as dry run?" to see what changes will be made without actually performing the replace.

  • Click the "Run Search/Replace" button.

  1. Review Results

  • If you did a dry run, review the results and then uncheck "Run as dry run?" to perform the actual replace.

2. Using phpMyAdmin

If you prefer not to use a plugin, you can perform a search and replace directly in your database using phpMyAdmin. This method requires more caution as it directly modifies the database.

  1. Backup Your Database:

  • Before making any changes, ensure you have a complete backup of your WordPress database.

  1. Access phpMyAdmin:

  • Log into your web hosting control panel (e.g., cPanel).

  • Open phpMyAdmin.

  1. Select Your Database:

  • In phpMyAdmin, select the database for your WordPress site from the list on the left.

  1. Run the SQL Query:

  • Click on the SQL tab.

Enter the following SQL query, modifying the table name and column names as necessary:

UPDATE `wp_posts`

SET `post_content` = REPLACE(`post_content`, 'old_string', 'new_string');

  • Click the "Go" button to execute the query.

  1. Check Results:

  • Verify that the changes were applied correctly.

3. Using WP-CLI

WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool for managing WordPress sites from the command line. This method is for advanced users comfortable with using the terminal.

  1. Ensure WP-CLI is Installed

  • If WP-CLI is not installed, follow the installation guide link.

  1. Run the Search and Replace Command:

  • Open your terminal and navigate to your WordPress installation directory.

  • Run the following command: - wp search-replace 'old_string' 'new_string'

  • Optionally, you can limit the replacement to specific tables: - wp search-replace 'old_string' 'new_string' --tables=wp_posts,wp_postmeta

  • You can also do a dry run to see what changes will be made: - wp search-replace 'old_string' 'new_string' --dry-run

  1. Review and Confirm:

  • Review the output and confirm the changes if the dry run was satisfactory.

Tips and Best Practices

  • Always Backup: Before performing a search and replace, always back up your database to prevent data loss.

  • Dry Run: If the tool or method offers a dry run option, use it to preview changes.

  • Careful with Serialized Data: WordPress often stores data in a serialized format, and a straightforward search and replace can break this serialization. Plugins like Better Search Replace handle serialized data correctly.


Performing a search and replace in WordPress can be done efficiently using plugins, phpMyAdmin, or WP-CLI. Each method has its advantages, with plugins being user-friendly, phpMyAdmin providing direct database access, and WP-CLI offering powerful command-line capabilities. Choose the method that best fits your comfort level and needs, ensuring you always back up your data before making changes.

Last updated